A little reflection on my writing year so far….
I have always loved this time of year. The calm before Christmas, the leaves turning their glorious autumnal colours and a little time to reflect. For me I have had a busy year with writing and so for a year that started in the darkness of a lockdown I am deeply grateful to all who helped me in any way with playwriting, publishing and just being there… thank you. x
A special thank you to readers who have bought and read my new novel. I am deeply grateful.
So, the year so far….
In the first quarter of the year my first play Teddy had a recorded professional reading in The Arts Centre in Wexford under the direction of Ben Barnes under the umbrella of the Wexford Playwrights Studio and was funded by The Arts Council and Wexford County Council . This spurred me on to write another play called The Memory Room and after submitting it to Scripts Ireland’s Playwriting Festival – I was one of three shortlisted writers who received a week’s mentorship under the direction of Eugene O Brien in August of this year in beautiful Birr. At the final - the play had a professional reading, and I was blown away and in tears as Geraldine Plunkett performed the lead and broke my heart with her beautiful interpretation of it. Thank you so much to Birr, Eugene and to the fabulous Angela and all at Scripts Playwriting Festival 2021, it was such a fantastic week. Special mention to Dr Sean on his winning play! Ghostbitch
In August of this year my third historical fiction novel The Lake House at Lenashee hit the shelves in Ireland published by Poolbeg Press. This book was inspired by Johnstown Castle Estate in my home county of Wexford. Recently it received a review in- The Sunday Independent, that I have framed!
Also, in August I attended the Power of Words Festival in Laois. This gorgeous festival of words is such a gem, and I was lucky enough to be on a panel with the lovely author Geraldine O Neill.
In the meantime, I am researching and delving into a new novel that is proving challenging as it is inspired by someone who lived. But someone I so admire, and my hope is - that this book will help bring her into the light, but more on that another time. I am also back at hosting creative writing workshops and at Gorey Adult Education hosting the creative writing module. New course begins again in January for anyone interested.
So, for now it’s back to the laptop and my copious number of notebooks. Hope you are all enjoying our beautiful Autumn. x